Merging Visions, a collaborative exhibit of art and poetry, will open with a reception 6:00- 8:00 pm., June 7 at the Patterson-Appleton Art Center (PA-AC) 400 E. Hickory Street in Denton. The event is open to the public. The fun-filled opening reception will provide opportunities to view the art paired with poetry, participate in a drawing for vintage glass, porcelain and ceramic swans from the estate of Mary Smith Williamson as well as join in a silent auction for 6” x 6” paintings by artists from the Visual Arts Society of Texas (VAST) and poets from the Denton Poets Assembly (DPA).
This is the 9th exhibition of written and visual works, created each year by members of the Denton Poets’ Assembly and the Visual Arts Society of Texas. This year, the Denton Public Library, who has served as a co-sponsor since the exhibit’s inception in 2008, will be joined by the Greater Denton Arts Council, a co-sponsor who will provide the site to host the exhibit, reception, and who will offer extended opportunities to the community through a Merging Visions Workshop Series during three evenings in the summer months. The Denton Benefit League also co-sponsors the exhibit, providing a grant to VAST to partially cover the costs of producing the catalog, “Collections IX,” which will commemorate the exhibit. |
The Merging Visions Exhibit will be open for viewing in the Meadows Gallery at the PA-AC, June 7 – September 14. Gallery hours. Tues, Wed., Fri., Sat. 11:00 am – 5:00 pm, Th. 11:00 am – 9:00 pm. The gallery is closed Sunday and Monday. The public is invited to vote on which artist and poet they think best paired their works. The three paired works receiving the most votes will be awarded the “2019 People’s Choice Award.”
A limited number of “Collections IX” catalogs will be available for purchase for $20 at the Festival Hall desk in the PA-AC.