Studio Tours and a Talk with NY based Artist, Gallerist, Educator; Michael David, May 17th at 7pm

Hi Friends, please join us for a very special talk with NY based Artist, Gallerist, Educator; Michael David Friday, May 17th, 2019 at 7pm.

This talk is free and open to the public and will take place at the Salvadorian Restaurant next to The Encaustic Center and The Bonny Studio at
580 W. Arapaho Rd. #241
Richardson, TX. 75080

The talk, with Michael, on my personal work will take place next door at my studio.
Please RSVP: [email protected]
The Encaustic Center:
580 W.Arapaho Rd. #271
Richardson, TX. 75080
Michael David’s 3-day Photo Encaustic Workshop: Theories and Practices
Bonny Leibowitz
[email protected]

You are also invited to come by and explore the studios after the talk! We’ll be visiting The Encaustic Center, The Bonny Studio AND my Personal Studio with many of my latest works. Michael will be speaking about my work at this time! Many thanks and I look forward to having you for both! Bonny more info and location information below:
Hi Everyone,
I am so excited that Bonny Leibowitz has invited me to Dallas to teach a workshop and giving me the opportunity to share with you, a little about my work, my life as an artist, gallerist and educator for over three decades and new residency program Bonny and I are building in New York. Please join us for what I promise will be an enjoyable, lively and hopefully highly educational evening.
Warm Regards
Michael David
About Michael David Michael David has been exhibiting internationally since 1981, first with the Historical Sidney Janis and then with M. Knoedler & Co for over two decades. Exhibiting widely throughout the United States for 30 years and has been the subject of much historical and curatorial acclaim. His work is included in the permanent public collections of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Guggenheim Museum in New York, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, among several prominent private collections. In the last decade David established the Fine Arts Workshop in Atlanta working with artists on an immersive one to one basis helping artists to develop their voice and professional practices, helping artists find exhibition opportunities and helping them prepare to take their individual expressions. In the last five years David established, Directed and Curated two of the most successful Galleries in Brooklyn, Life On Mars and M. David & Co. including exhibitions and residencies.