Introducing a new artists’ group: the Visual Arts of Prosper (VAP) — established in 2019. Meetings are held once a month at different times and locations in Prosper TX. For more information see the website: http://ericakalish.art/.Or contact President Toni Wengler at twengler@sbcglobal.net.
VISUAL ARTS OF PROSPER will meet Monday, April 22 at the Presbyterian Church on First St at Coleman in Prosper from 6:00-8:00pm.
Our very own Erica Kalish, a custom-framing designer, will be providing a demonstration of “at-home” framing tips and tricks. She will discuss and show different techniques for framing various kinds of art. These techniques can be utilized by professional artists, students and home decorators using store-bought framing supplies. In addition, she will be explaining the benefits of custom framing as she guides us through the framing process.
6:00-6:30 Critique – bring one painting in progress for gentle critique.
6:30-6:45 Intro of newcomers; ‘show and tell’; painting of the month
6:45-7:30 Business Meeting
7:30-8:30 Demo Artist: Custom framing by Erica Kalish