TVAA Gallery call for art – “Blue”


ELIGIBILITY: This show is open to TVAA members (and/or non-members).
This is an invitation to explore the meaning that connects with you and your art work, and then share it with others. This is open to members and non-members of TVAA (Texas Visual Artists Association) with ribbons being awarded to Best of Show, 1st, 2nd 3rd place, and honorable mention. Cash awards for Best in Show and 1st place! Apply at

Submission Deadline: Friday, March 15th @ midnight
Acceptance Notification: Friday, March 22nd
Deliver artwork: Saturday, March 30th from 10-2pm
Exhibit Open to the Public: During Gallery business hours; Tuesday-Sat
Reception: Saturday, April 13th from 4-6pm
Pick up artwork: Saturday, May 4th from 10-2pm

The color blue has an extensive and rich artistic history, exerting its power on humanity’s social, religious, and aesthetic imagination from ancient times onwards. Out of the medieval era, various shades of blue came to signify royalty, religious purity, romance, sadness, and the great expanses of nature. In the 20th century, the rise of monochrome and the advent of space photography further expanded the blue’s aesthetic domain. That being said, what’s new in blue? Our call seeks to further this exploration of color in contemporary practice. Works in traditional and new media are invited, as are the freshest and freest ideas.