Experimental Art through Design & Color Sharon Serrago
6 Weeksof fun and experimentation $150
Monday Evenings 6:00 – 9:00 Tuesday Mornings 10:00 – 1:00
Mar.11/12 – Apr.22/23 (No classes on April 1 or 2)
Email or call me to register. sharon@serrago.com 214-646-4271

This class will incorporate the elements and principles of design as a foundation for abstracts. We will experiment with many of Golden’s acrylic mediums for texturing, even while we paint with watercolor. Texturing is always an exciting adventure. In this class we will make use of collage as a texturing device. Rice papers of all sorts will give us many different effects with our paint. We will explore those effects and will see that many times we can use rice papers to correct mistakes we have made in the painting process. Collage in this class will not be cutting out and using someone else’s images. Everything we paint will be original. |

Materials for this class will be varied. You will be able to paint with watercolor or acrylic, sometimes both at the same time. We may see what happens when you paint with soft pastels and watercolor. I have a lot of materials that I will share. You will definitely need a bottle of matt medium, some watercolor paper, and some canvases or panels for our acrylics activities. You won’t need your very best brushes. Leave them at home. Since we will be using some acrylics during many of our processes, you will want some older brushes for those moments. And as we focus on texture, how can we leave out the stamping alternative? Bring stamps that you like. I have some to share also.

I am hoping you will be able to join me for this fun class. Every day will be a new adventure. My studio is very near the intersection of Central and Arapaho. No stairs, easy access and parking. Great lighting. 850 N. Dorothy Dr., Suite 502 Richardson, TX 75081 Class is limited to 14 artists.

Email or call me to register. sharon@serrago.com 214-646-4271 After I receive your registration, I will send you a complete list of materials you will want to gather for this fun and inspiring class.
For a look at other upcoming workshops, follow the link below. Workshop artists include Kathy Elliott, Jan Sitts, Laurin McCracken, David M. Kessler, Kathleen Conover, and Joan Fullerton.