Brenda Swenson featured SWS Artist at February 12th Meeting

The Southwestern Watercolor Society will host Brenda Swenson as the featured artist in February. She will be doing the watercolor demonstration at the membership meeting on February 12th at 7:00 pm and teaching a three day Workshop from February 13 – 15 (full).

Southwestern Watercolor Society meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm, with the exception of June, July, August and December. Most meetings feature a live painting demonstration from a local or nationally known artist. Location: Lovers Lane Methodist Church, Ashbury Hall, 9200 Inwood Road, Dallas, Texas (northeast corner of Northwest Highway and Inwood Road.)

About Brenda Swenson

A proponent of “negative painting” (painting around shapes in the negative spaces), Brenda will share the approach that results in her luminous paintings. The workshop is full but there is always space at the meeting, so don’t miss the opportunity to learn from Brenda Swenson.

Brenda Swenson is the artist author of two books, Keeping a Watercolor Sketchbook (Finalist, Award of Excellence) and Steps to Success in Watercolor. Her artwork has been featured in Splash (11,12, 14,19 & 20), An Illustrated Journey, Creative Freedom, Complete Guide to Watercolor, Watercolor Artist, Watercolor Magazine, Watercolor Highlights, Plein Air Magazine and numerous other publications. She has two instructional DVD’s on painting and sketching techniques. Brenda has achieved signature status in WW, NWWS, and SDWS. An active participant in the arts community she has served on the board of directors for the National Watercolor Society and Watercolor West. She is in demand to judge shows, demonstrate and teach workshops to groups nationwide and abroad.

For more about her, see her website and her blog