TVAA Gallery announces Spring Open Call for March

TVAA Gallery Art Exhibition for March 2019 – “Spring Open Call”

CURATOR:  Maegan Kirschner

ELIGIBILITY:  This show is open to TVAA members (and/or non-members).

This is an invitation to explore the meaning that connects with you and your art work, and then share it with others.  This is open to members and non-members of TVAA (Texas Visual Artists Association) with ribbons being awarded to Best of Show, 1st, 2nd 3rd place, and honorable mention.  Cash awards for Best in Show and 1st place!


Submission Deadline:             Friday, Feb 15th @ midnight
Acceptance Notification:        Friday, Feb 22nd
Deliver artwork:                      Saturday, March 2nd from 10-2pm
Exhibit Open to the Public:    During Gallery business hours; Tuesday
Reception:                                 Saturday, March 9th from 4-6pm
Pick up artwork:                      Saturday, March 30th from 10-2pm

Show Description: The spring washed in like the tide, advancing confidently with warmth and white sunshine one day and retreating the next. On some days the new vibrant hues of the pansies and daffodils were bathed in tepid air that encouraged them gently, on others the wintry wind gusted fiercely – demanding a return to the bitterness of the months before. But like the tide, the spring would not be stopped, it pushed on right into May, banishing the chill to memory.

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