Two Solo Exhibitions Open February 7 at Artspace111: Harrington & Poole

An Expansive Moment at the Accordion Temple

Peter Harrington

Opening Reception | February 7, 2019 | 5 – 8p Exhibitions on Display | February 7 – March 23, 2019
Artspace111 is pleased to present Peter Harrington’s solo exhibition, An Expansive Moment at the Accordion Temple. Harrington’s illustrative paintings have a soothing and subtle surrealist quality that combines forms into tranquil temples of worship from another dimension. The exhibition opens on February 7th, with an opening reception from 5 – 8pm, and is on display until March 23rd, 2019.
Follow the event on Facebook for more details

Playing Fields

Jeffrey Poole

Opening Reception | February 7, 2019 | 5 – 8p Exhibitions on Display | February 7 – March 23, 2019
Artspace111 is pleased to present Jeffrey Poole’s solo exhibition, Playing Fields. Poole was awarded the top prize by Christina Rees, the Editor-in-Chief of Glasstire, in the 2018 Artspace111 Regional Juried Exhibition for his mixed media painting, Green Ice. Featuring paintings from the same series, the mixed media work in Playing Fields use thousands of rough and repetitive marks that build to create a calming, minimalist effect. 
Follow the event on Facebook for more details

Artspace111 | 111 Hampton St, Fort Worth, TX 76102