Michael Holter Watercolor Workshop March 15 & 16 in Bedford

Watercolor Impressionism: Landscape/Cityscape

March 15 & 16, 2019

Location: Trinity Arts Guild (TAG) Gallery, Bedford Boys Ranch, 2819 R. D. Hurt Pkwy., Bedford, TX 76095-0671 (817) 283-1422  www.trinityartsguild.net

Register at https://www.trinityartsguild.net/michael-holter-workshop

TAG offers the option to pay 3 ways again – in two or three installments or full payment. Minimum Deposit is $70.00. Total cost for TAG members is $210.00 and $250.00 for non-members. Final Payment Due by February 28, 2019.

Workshop description from instructor Michael Holter:

This workshop will focus on the use of watercolor to paint exciting impressionistic paintings. You paint from photographs and will explore the use of light and shadow to create interesting compositions and achieve dynamic results.

We will examine the fundamentals of watercolor painting to assure that all students are familiar with the techniques. Daily discussions and application of the principles and elements of design will be woven into your painting experience.

Each day you will engage in exercises that will solidify the content that you are working on and spend time viewing other artists work. We will discuss the methods and the impact that these artists achieve using their techniques.

Michael will demonstrate his approach to creating  landscapes and show you several high-speed video demonstrations.

And you will have ample time to successfully complete your own paintings.

Michael welcomes novice and advanced students and tailors the experience to individual needs.

Workshop Instructor Michael Holter

Texas artist, Michael Holter works in both watercolor and oil. Michael’s work has received numerous awards and recognition and can be found in private and corporate collections in the US and several foreign countries. His current work in two categories: watercolor figurative and oil landscapes (both plein air and studio). Although Michael has been painting most of his life, his work experience spans a wide range of creative endeavors, from art teacher, creative director and businessman in fine art and commercial art. Michael has owned and operated two galleries. Michael holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Art Education and an MA in Visual Communication.

Michael is a signature member of The National Watercolor Society, The Transparent Watercolor Society of America, The Outdoor Painter Society, the Southwestern Watercolor Society and The Society of Watercolor Artists. He is also a member of the American Watercolor Society, the Portrait Society of America and the American Impressionist Society.

Michael says, “I think of my work as impressionistic. I like to represent people or places and allow the painting to evolve from the structure of what is recognizable. The challenge is to balance the care needed to make the representation interesting? and perhaps believable, with the freedom, looseness and painterly quality that makes painting so unique and expressive.”

“I have been influenced by artists such as Charles Reid, Richard Schmid, Burt Silverman, Frank Webb, John Singer Sargent, Ted Nuttall and many others. Even though I have an art degree, most of what I put into practice is self-taught through studying the work of these distinguished artists and much painting.”

“My wife, Cyndy, and I grew up in on the wide-open plains of North Dakota and arrived in Plano, TX by way of Minnesota (I can paint a snowy winter landscape with the best of them) prior to our east coast years in Virginia. We often travel enjoying the beauty of God’s creation.

For more about Michael, see his website: https://michaelholter.com