When: 9 Feb 2019 , UTC-06:00
Where: ART on the Square Classroom, Ellis County Art Association

A 2-day workshop for adults seeking to learn the basics of sculpting in clay

February 9 and 10, 2019 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

$150.00 Fee includes ALL supplies! 

Clay has to be ordered prior to workshop – Please register by  JANUARY 18th!  Registration limited to 20


John was ECAA’s guest artist demonstrator at 1st Monday a couple of months ago and several in attendance expressed an interest in a workshop.  If you’ve ever given thought to working in “3-D”, but had no clue about the clay or tools needed or how to begin…this workshop is for you!  John is providing the clay and all the tools necessary to complete 3 to 4 small projects, including a pear, house, and the human head.  This is a MUST DO workshop for everyone….guaranteed to be fun and informative!

My sculptures are a blend of past and present influences and rely on nature for clarity of form.” 

JOHN DAVIS grew up in North Carolina and moved to Texas in 1992. His mother was an art teacher in the public schools and encouraged him to take art lessons as a child.  This interest was pursued on and off throughout the elementary school years, but wasn’t taken seriously until the year 2000 when he happened to meet Ludwig Kieninnger, a wood sculptor teaching in Desoto, Texas.  John began taking wood carving lessons from him and soon recognized the need to develop more skills in drawing and painting as part of the artistic process.  this led to seeking out other instructors in the area such as Blair Currin, Jonathan Hardesty, and Ron Cheek.  After several years of carving wood he began working in clay and enjoyed the possibilities offered.  His focus shifted from western based themes created in wood to more of an interest in classical styled figurative pieces.  Lorenzo Bernini’s modeled terracotta studies became some of his favorite works to learn from. 

“I enjoy the impressionistic feel of these pieces, the interesting textures and the areas left for the imagination to respond to.” 

Soon after casting his first piece in bronze he began showing his work in local galleries.  His work is presently available at the Dow Art Gallery in Fort Worth, Texas.  John enjoys sculpting the figure but also loves the energy, emotion, and movements that can be found in animals. 

“The process of studying the human figure or the forms of animals and learning to recreate them in clay is a lifelong journey.  There is always more to discover and that is what keeps it interesting.” 

John presently teaches Art full time at North Side High School in Fort Worth, Texas.  He has 23 years of experience working in the district.  He attended Wingate College in North Carolina for his undergraduate and received a BA in English.  He also studied at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth where he received his MDIV.  It is his hope to one day be employed full time as a sculptor and to share what he has learned with others.