500X Openings Jan. 12: Ireland, Talambas, Weld & more

All exhibitions will be hosting an opening reception Saturday night 1/12 from 7-10pm

500x Gallery500 Exposition AveDallas, Tx 75275

Chris Ireland
Places, Names, Dates

Front Gallery – Downstairs

Places, Names, Dates, a solo exhibition by Chris Ireland, explores the ways everyday existence is catalogued from photo albums to social media. The inspiration behind this body of work came from the discovery of an autobiography of the artist’s deceased grandfather. Hand-typed pages, completed over several years, were stashed away in boxes with his other personal goods and mementos, about to be discarded.  Loose pages filled with fragmented thoughts, recollections, locations, and dates. So much of modern life is also recorded, often willingly, sometimes not.   What becomes of these collections?  And what are the stories that emerge from them?  Rescued from the anonymity of the pile, the pieces in this exhibition explore the fragile nature of our analog and digital archives.

Blake Weld
It Only Wanted to Play Main Gallery – Downstairs
  With new large scale video projection pieces and kinetic sculpture, Blake Weld’s solo exhibition, “It Only Wanted to Play,” probes into the misinterpretations of autonomy of backyard apparel. Blake Weld is an interdisciplinary artist who has become keen to the language of uncertainty. Blake has exhibited all over the country and most recently exhibited work with Art Room a non-profit gallery in Fort Worth, Texas as well as with AURORA Expanded in Dallas, Texas.
Molly Valentine Dierks and Carlin McLellan
There Will Come Soft Rains Members Space – Downstairs
  Featuring synth-pop sound environments and futuristic miniature eco-systems, There Will Come Soft Rains is a collaborative installation by interdisciplinary artist Molly Valentine Dierks and Australian sound artist, Carlin McLellan. Titled after Sara Teasdale and Ray Bradbury’s eponymous poem/short story about nature’s gentle post-apocalyptic rise, the visual and sonic scores utilize the rhythms of nature and digital technology to explore alienation and desire in the post-industrial landscape. A professor at Tarleton State University, this exhibition is an attempt to visually distill and abstracting eco-feminist theory, where-in the oppression of female/gender-queer bodies is linked to philosophy detailing a man/nature hierarchy.
Emmar Grant and Grace Sydney Pham
Cake News Project Space – Upstairs
Cake News is a new media and installation-based exhibition by Grace Sydney Pham and Emmar Grant, inspired by the ubiquity of mass media and its tendencies to subvert fourth wave feminism and obscure worldwide crises (e.g. global heating). The centerpieces of the show consist of projection-mapped video footage of staged news broadcasts upon a wedding dress and a five-tiered display cake, suggesting that the persistence of patriarchally-imposed traditional values (e.g. fixation upon marriage) diverts much-needed attention from societal and global disasters.
Tatara Siegel and Becky Wilkes
Living in the Heap Project Space – Downstairs
Living in the Heap pairs glass master Tatara Siegel and photographer Becky Wilkes as they explores the implications of our throwaway society through the examination of worthless debris. Siegel’s work focuses on vision, what do we choose to see and how this influences our choices. Wilkes studies chaos and order by collecting and photographing trash through the lens of urban archeology, anthropology, and sociology. Together they challenge our perception through a new and humorous exhibition.
Also coming soon

James Talambas Upstairs Gallery