Introduction to Wet Plate Photography Jan. 27 & 27

In the beginning, before digital and before film, there was wet plate. It was a challenging process that merged optics and chemistry into the new art form of photography. The wet plate process is being re-discovered by visual artists at all levels of accomplishment as a way to reconnect with photography at the elemental level, while creating one of a kind images that enchant both subject and photographer. There is a level of depth, detail and clarity in a well executed wet plate image that is unsurpassed by modern photographic techniques.
This intensive course will dive into wet plate collodion, which was the leading process of photography in the 1850s and ’60s. It was used to document the Civil War and to create the portraits of Abraham Lincoln. The process is most commonly known in its three forms—tintypes (positives on tin), ambrotypes (positives on glass), and glass negatives (negatives on glass).

Each student will leave with 3-6 wet plate collodion images at the end of this unique workshop.

Workshop participants do not need previous photography or darkroom experience. We’ll be using DCP’s Graflex Crown Graphic 4×5 cameras. All equipment and supplies including cameras, lighting, glass and metal plates, holders and chemistry will be supplied. We’ll also have aprons, goggles, gloves and other safety equipment on hand.

When: January 26-27, 2019
Where: Dallas Center for Photography
Cost: Early registration is $525. Late registration is $595.
More info & registration: