Tabletop Product Photography March 2, 2019

This course is for the budget minded individual that wants to photograph small to medium size product. If you need product images for Amazon, Etsy or your own website, this course will walk you through all the basics. We will review camera equipment and how to get by with what you have. We will go over settings that will maximize image quality. Most importantly, you will learn the fundamentals of studio lighting and how to get the highest quality image from the least amount of equipment employing DIY lighting gear and modifiers. We’ll also look at higher end, professional gear for comparison and for those of you who may move into this professionally.

The instructor will walk you through a series of exercises where you’ll be shooting specific objects to learn about shadowing and reflection. The lighting, propping and setup techniques will emphasize the popular and challenging style of showing the product on white. We’ll have several stations for small teams to work through real life problems with provided props as well as products that you bring with you.

When: Saturday, March 2 from 9a-5p
Where: Dallas Center for Photography
Cost: Early Registration: $240 – Late Registration: $260
More info & registration: