SWS Meeting Nov. 13: Carl Purcell Watercolor Demo

Please join us for our Southwestern Watercolor Society Monthly Meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 13th.
7:00-9:00 PM. http://swswatercolor.org. Meetings are typically attended by 150 to 250 people and feature a lecture-demonstration by a nationally recognized artist. This is a good place to learn some new techniques and meet other artists and make friends for life.. At the monthly meetings, members are encouraged to enter a painting in the “Painting of the Month” competition sponsored by Asel Art Supply. Members and non-members are welcome to attend.
Location: Lovers Lane Methodist Church, Ashbury Hall, 9200 Inwood Road, Dallas, Texas (northeast corner of Northwest Highway and Inwood Road.)
The demonstration will be given by guest artist Carl Purcell. He is also presenting a 3-day workshop this week at Teta Smith’s Studio in the SKYPONY GALLERY, at the Shops at Willow Bend Mall. His workshop is now FULL.
About the artist:

Carl Purcell taught painting and drawing at Snow College in Utah for 30 years. He is currently retired from the college but is a popular painting and drawing workshop instructor, having conducted workshops throughout the West, from Alaska to Arizona , and in Great Britain.

Carl is the author of the North Light publications, Painting With Your Artist’s Brain (a watercolor book) and Drawing With Your Artist’s Brain. In addition his art has been featured in numerous articles published in The Artist’s Magazine and in Splash I. He has been invited to jury exhibits in Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Michigan and California. For more information about Carl Purcell visit his web site:  www.carlpurcell.com

“The secret to realism in painting is not to be found in more details. Have you ever felt frustrated because no matter how much detail you add, the painting does not match your inner vision? My approach can help you understand what you are seeing, and how to respond to the visual patterns that are the basic structure of all good painting. This is what I wish they had taught me at the university. I have spent my life searching for the keys to help me paint what I see. It has been a wonderful journey, and one I am happy to share with you.
Learn how to create paintings that match what you want and take less time. It will be fun.”