Sheila Durante – Chinese Brush Stroke demo for Trinity Arts Guild Nov. 5

The next Trinity Arts Guild meeting will be on Monday, November 5, 2018.

Location: Trinity Arts Guild Gallery, Bedford Boys Ranch, 2819 R. D. Hurt Pkwy., Bedford, TX 76095-0671 (817) 283-1422

Guest demo artist will be Sheila Durante.

Refreshments 6:30 pm
Awards for Members Juried Fall Show 6:45 pm
Demonstration 7:00 pm

Sheila M. Durante began studying Chinese Brush stroke about 18 years ago. Her work has been exhibited in Dallas by the Association of Oriental Arts and at the Dallas Chinese Cultural Center and UT Austin. Sheila has demonstrated Chinese Brush painting at various events hosted by the Crow Collection of Asian Art in Dallas. The Crow museum houses one of the largest collections of Chinese jade in the US, and has invited Sheila to participate in many recent events including Chinese New Year. Although she loves to tackle a variety of subjects, Sheila is best known for her paintings of horses using the free and energetic Xieyl style of painting.
In addition to painting, Sheila is a docent at the Dallas Museum of Art where she has led tours for school students and adults since 2005. She is a recent past president and a current board member of the Dallas Museum of Art (DMA) League, an organization that provides volunteer support and funding
for the museums educational programs. Prior to joining the DMA, she served as a docent at the Crow Collection of Asian Art (2000-2005).

Sheila was born and educated in England. She has lived and worked in the UK, the middle east, and Australia and has traveled extensively for business and pleasure throughout southeast Asia, Latin America and Europe. Before retirement, she had a 35+ year career as a Public Relations Counselor in New York and Dallas to public companies and overseas governments, specializing in media relations in the US and overseas, editorial services and speech writing.