Award Winners of VAGF’s 2018 Creme de la Creme

Creme de la Creme – Artist Reception

The Visual Arts Guild of Frisco (VAGF) had a great turn out at the Creme de la Creme Reception reception! Thank you to all artists, volunteers, judges and everyone attending the reception.

Congratulations to the award winners:

Best in Figurative: Zahra  Jahanyfard ‘Deep Thinker’
Best in Abstract: Weeda Hamdan ‘Reflections 10.23’
Best in Mixed Media: Leon Robertson ‘Balanced Diet, Amos the Wabi Sabi Toucan for The Junkyard Birds’
Best in Representational: Sudeep Kumar ‘ Lime Bike’
Best in Landscape: Della Isaacson ‘Rushing Water‘
Best in Photography: Tina Alvarez ‘ Gentle Giant’
Artwork that Speaks to Me Award: Patrick Reeves ‘New York City Scape No. 58’

The show will be on display at the Frisco Discovery Center through November 3, 2018