Justin Burns: Golden Art Demo Oct. 23 for Irving Art Association

Tuesday, October 23rd from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m is the monthly Members’ meeting of the Irving Art Association. Our guest artist will be JUSTIN BURNS, a Golden Paints Working Artist.

Justin will present a GOLDEN Acrylics lecture and demonstration, a fun informative, educational and fast-paced introduction to all the products GOLDEN has to offer. The lecture covers information about the different types of acrylic paints, mediums, gels, pastes, and grounds. The lecture will also cover a technical review of acrylics and their varied application possibilities, working with mixed media, printmaking, and the review of GOLDEN’s newest products including OPEN acrylics, High Flow acrylics and QoR watercolor.

This lecture will hopefully give you some new insights that can be added to your creative process. All participants will receive a free information packet, hand-painted color charts and a bag of free GOLDEN product samples to take home. Supplies are limited, so RSVP at [email protected] or [email protected] BY OCT. 17 to reserve your free samples.

Justin will also be presenting workshops using Golden products for us next January and February. Details TBA.

Doors open at 6:30 pm and the Meeting starts at 7:00 pm at the Jaycee Park Center for the Arts in Irving. GUESTS ARE WELCOME.


Justin grew up in Farmers Branch, Texas and studied close to home at the University of North Texas. He earned his BFA focusing primarily on Studio Drawing and Painting in 2013. Before achieving a BFA, Justin and his twin brother were traveling playing music and signed a record contract to Island/Def-Jam Records in 2009. During his travels playing music, Justin experimented in painting and photography and began to gather photographs of a small community were the Burns family has a one-hundred-year-old farm in Kopperl, Texas. Justin took interested in stories of the farm, community and what is physically left behind. After experiencing an apartment fire where he and his family lost everything in 2014, Justin’s work began to take a new role and meaning. His work focuses on spaces that are left as they are, weathered and abandoned fragments of a time once lived.

His paintings have been exhibited in Dallas/Fort Worth and have been featured in publications such as Studio Visit Magazine and Friend of the Artist. His work was included in the prestigious New Texas Talent Exhibition this August.

“My work focuses on the decaying era of a small Texas town where all that is left is the memory of a how things use to be. I begin photographing interior and exterior weathered relic structures that once were an icon, are now headstones. Eventually, these spaces will disappear and will become a distant memory of a time of how things used to be as well as the people who hold special memories to them. These structures were designed for purpose and a force of permanence. The ruins linger as reminder when the train used to stop in Kopperl, TX. I gather stories and songs from relatives and people of the community and try to incorporate what Kopperl was like at its peak.  As I paint, I airbrush and brush onto multiple or single transparent layers of duralar (acetate) to emphasize the depth and detail of the space while blending my own romanticized perception and abstraction from memories.”

For more about Justin, see his website http://www.justinlburns.net.