Yes, InkTober is really a thing, not a mispelling. It’s a world-wide challenge for artists to create works with inks and post them on the Internet, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.
Use the hashtag #InkTober to share your work or to locate the inspiring works of other artists. There’s also #PrintInkTober for printmakers!
If you’re interested in opportunities for outside sketching, consider joining the free Urban Sketchers Dallas / Fort Worth Facebook group (
The image above was done by Suzanne McNeill-Sparks in ink and watercolor on one the Urban Sketchers outings. For more about her, see her website:
Here’s their announcement for the October:
October Sketch Crawl on Sat. Oct 21
We’ll be part of Richardson’s Ricochet 2017, a city-wide art celebration. AIR (Art Incubation Richardson) is sponsoring the event and USk-DFW are listed as co-sponsors.
At 2 PM we’ll meet in front of Fernando’s Restaurant in CityLine Plaza for a few minutes of introductions, then sketch for a couple of hours.
AIR plans to purchase up to four sketches for $50 each to celebrate local vendors; to be eligible the sketches must be originals — on a separate sheet or able to be pulled from your sketch book. The CityLine Plaza will have live music (Mathew Banks on the jazz sax at 2) and other entertainment . . . lots of people, too.