Art for Advent 2018 – call for artists

Art for Advent is an opportunity for artists to experiment across practice and disciplines, artists involved will be challenged with creating an artwork a day during the 24 day advent period. Artists can work in any medium and are encouraged to adapt their everyday practice to fit the limitations of creating a piece of work consistently for 24 days.

All artists involved will be featured on our website in an online publication, showing the process and progression of the artist work over the 24 day period.

  • Applications must be submitted by the 30th November 2018

  • Fee of £15 to be payed in application

  • Artwork to be submitted daily from the 1st December to the 24th December

  • 500 word artist statement submitted via email no later than 28th December 2018

Artworks must be submitted in jpeg format daily via email. Each artist will be required to submit a 500 word statement on the process and production of their work, this will accompany their images in the online publication.

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