Max Ginsburg Three Day Workshop Oct. 26 – 28

The Hull Art Academy will be hosting a three day workshop with Max Ginsburg on October 26th to 28th. Observe and paint the unique forms of the person posing with respect to proportions, shapes, values and color. Develop oil painting skills to achieve a high degree of naturalism. For more information see

DAY 1. Paint Head Studies and Figure Studies from Life, concentrating on gesture & proportion.

DAY 2. Paint a Figure from Life, Development and Composition.

DAY 3. Paint a Portrait

Ginsburg will be assisting and critiquing each student’s painting daily and he will be giving short painting demonstrations as a teaching tool each day.  However, the students will paint and develop their own work during the bulk of each session.

We will focus on “Painting From Life” in the traditional realist manner of the Old Masters.  The approach will be alla prima, or direct wet on wet oil painting; first blocking in the larger forms or shapes, then blocking in the smaller forms and details.