North Texas Printmakers Guild at ArtSpace at Metropolitan Press

Artists in the North Texas Printmakers Guild (NTPG) are on display at ArtSpace at Metropolitan Press in Dallas during September.

September 4-28, 2018

RECEPTION September 13, 6-9pm

The North Texas Printmakers Guild is intended to be a resource and network for professional artists, printers, vendors, collectors, and dealers who are interested in promoting Printmaking in North Texas.

For more about NTPG see the Facebook page:

ArtSpace hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-4:30pm & for the Artist Reception, August 16, 6-9pm

Open to the public, the ArtSpace gallery is located inside the Metropolitan Press building at 1250 Majesty Drive in Dallas. We feature both up-and-coming and established artists on a monthly rotation. To find out more or if you are an artist interested in showing, email or contact us through our website,