2018 SWA Membership Exhibition call for entries

2018 Society of Watercolor Artists Juried Membership Exhibition

UNT Health Science Center Gallery 3500 Camp Bowie Blvd. Fort Worth, TX 76107

Prospectus: 2018 Members Prospectus   The prospectus is also available on our website.  www.swawatercolor.com

EXHIBITION CHAIR: Skeeter Murley, email: [email protected]

AWARDS: $3000 in cash and merchandise to be determined by the juror after viewing the work after installation.

ELIGIBLE ARTWORK: Original artwork only.
Work must be water-media on watercolor paper or Yupo. Water-media includes traditional watercolors, acrylics, inks or gouache. No works on canvas or other materials other than specified.

Minimum image size is 10” x 12.” (Matting/framing specs are listed under framing)

Entry Fee: $35 (Covers up to 3 images for submission for consideration)

MEMBERSHIP: This Membership Exhibition is part of the 2018 Membership Package. The yearly calendar for SWA runs January-December. If joining SWA to participate in the 2018 Membership Exhibition, 2018 dues must be paid before entry deadline. The annual SWA Membership fee is $40 (Seniors age 65+ pay $30).
The 2019 Membership Campaign begins in October. 2019 dues qualify members for the exhibition in the Fall of 2019.


Entry Deadline: Sunday, September 9, 2018
Acceptance Notification: September 17, 2018 by email
Shipped Pieces Due: September 27, 2018
Delivered Pieces Due: Saturday, September 29, 2018, 10 AM – 1 PM* Installation: September 29, 2018*
Reception/Awards: TBD*
Take Down and Pickup: December 1, 2018*

Exhibition Dates: October 1 – December 1, 2018*

Juror: Beverly Boren

Bev Boren is a Texas born & raised artist. Painting is her way of connecting with the world and the people around her. In her words “Trying to describe or explain my efforts at painting or drawing seems like a futile effort. After all, I want my work to express itself without the necessity of words. My best hope is that my work will stand simply on its own and find a connection with viewers where words fail”. http://bevboren.com/